Applications of Thermodynamically Consistent Time Integrators in Solid, Structural, and Multibody Dynamics

Abstract eng:
In our recent work [1,2,3] we have outlined a general methodology for the formulation of numerical methods for thermomechanical problems whose most salient feature is the rigorous preservation, at the discrete level, of the laws of thermodynamics and the symmetries. As a consequence of these conservation properties, the numerical solution portraits very accurately the qualitative dynamics of the continuum problem. Moreover, it can be shown that the resulting integrators are extremely robust, and are able to solve the evolution equations of dynamics with larger time steps, and for longer periods of simulation, than standard methods. In this work we present applications of these methods to the formulation of thermoelastic and thermovisco-elastic models. In addition to applications in solid mechanics, already explored in [1,2], the novel integrators can effectively be used for simulating dampers when thermal effects become relevant, which is often the case in structural, earthquake, and multibody dynamics.

National Technical University of Athens, 2011
Conference Title:
Conference Title:
COMPDYN 2011 - 3rd International Thematic Conference
Conference Venue:
Island of Corfu (GR)
Conference Dates:
2011-05-25 / 2011-05-28
Text je chráněný podle autorského zákona č. 121/2000 Sb.

Record appears in:

 Record created 2016-11-14, last modified 2016-11-14

Original version of the author's contribution as presented on CD, section: MS 13 Innovative Algorithms for Transient Computations.:
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