Detection of Structural Layers of a Cored Marble Column from the Market Gate of Miletus with Traditional Ultrasonic Tomography and Innovative Phased Array Sonography

Abstract eng:
In this study ultrasonic computer tomography and sonography are compared in the investigation of a cored marble column. The marble column presents a complex stratigraphy of several layers. Both methods could complementarily detect the layers, although each technique alone would not suffice to characterize changes in mechanical properties at 5 cm depth as well as at 17 cm depth. Further research is needed to merge the performances of both. The development of special transducers and coupling media for ultrasonic computer sonography applications seems to be promising for the field of stone conservation.

The Graduate School of Cultural Heritage, Kongju National University, Republic of Korea
Conference Title:
Conference Title:
International Conference on Conservation of Stone and Earthen Architectural Heritage
Conference Venue:
Kongju (KR)
Conference Dates:
Text je chráněný podle autorského zákona č. 121/2000 Sb.

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 Record created 2014-10-27, last modified 2014-11-18

Original version of the author's contribution as presented on CD, 11. :
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