Dar Ben Marzok, a traditional and patrimonial house-patio in the Medina of Tetouan. Bases for its rehabilitation and functional adaptation as an Interpretation Center of the Mediterranean Navigation

Abstract eng:
Moulay Ismail's death in 1727, inaugurated a particularly turbulent period for Morocco, and substantially fatal for the city of Tetouan. A year before his death, the sultan ordered the construction of a zagüía to host the mortal remains of the renowned local wise man Ben Abdelkader Marzok. Still owned by his descendants, the current Dar Ben Marzok, is located in the neighborhood of Blade, the oldest of the city, next to the Grand Mosque, with access by an adarve to the Ahfir street, and from M'tamar street possibly the busiest commercial street in the medina. The house, which later was segregated a portion of the northern part of the ground floor, precisely for commercial use, has another remarkable peculiarity is that, in part, is set on The dungeons, an underground complex cavity located in the heart of the historic city, where the captives were locked from privateering, which for a long time, had great importance for the economy of the city. Typologically, in its architectural conformation, this building embodies a residential model developed profusely during the eighteenth century in the wealthier households Tetouan "the house-patio type with twelve pillars and arches", though with some peculiarities, such as reduced in the number of pillars on the second floor respect to the first. We will present a formal, functional and constructive study of Dar Ben Marzok, analysed as basis for a proposed intervention respectful with its heritage character, facing its rehabilitation and functional adaptation, as an Interpretation Center of the Mediterranean Navigation.

Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development, Barcelos, Portugal
Conference Title:
Conference Title:
4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development
Conference Venue:
Guimarães (Pt)
Conference Dates:
2014-07-22 / 2014-07-25
Text je chráněný podle autorského zákona č. 121/2000 Sb.

Record appears in:

 Record created 2014-11-04, last modified 2014-11-18

Original version of the author's contribution as presented on CD, , page 849. :
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