Two views to deal with rain penetration problems in historic fired clay brick masonry

Abstract eng:
In this paper a comparison is made between two views to solve rain penetration problems in solid historic fired clay brick masonry. The first one aims at protecting the masonry against rain penetration (“rain coat” concept). In the second approach the penetration of rain in the masonry is accepted and the measures taken are focused on improving the capillary moisture transport in the masonry and on the application of materials with favourable drying characteristics and/or the enhancement of the drying conditions (“breathing” concept). It is shown that the often preferred protection approach may result into deterioration of the rain penetration problem instead of diminishing it. Also is shown that the second approach generally leads to a significant drying of the walls, thus providing a sound solution for rain penetration problems in solid historic fired clay brick masonry.

RILEM Publications s.a.r.l., 157 rue des Blains F-92220 Bagneux - France
Conference Title:
Conference Title:
2nd Conference and of the Final Workshop of RILEM TC 203-RHM
Conference Venue:
Prague (CZ)
Conference Dates:
2010-09-22 / 2010-09-24
Text je chráněný podle autorského zákona č. 121/2000 Sb.

Record appears in:

 Record created 2014-11-06, last modified 2014-11-18

Original version of the author's contribution as presented on CD, , page 1005. :
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