Structured analysis of heritage, preservation and architectural history masters programs: identification of program emphases, exposure of potential gaps and development of a proposed interdisciplinary heritage and preservation masters program incorporating urban sustainability

Abstract eng:
A structured analysis of online information about Masters-level architectural history, heritage conservation, engineering and construction history, historic preservation and urban history programs in North America generated comparative questions and an initial gap analysis concerning formalized education for historic preservation and sustainable development. Assessment was based on a number of factors, including degree of treatment of single-discipline versus multi-discipline subject matter, relative coverage of public and private aspects of the built environment, and inclusion/exclusion of themes and concepts such as diversity/uniformity, innovation/degradation and policy incentives/disincentives that may have influenced sustainable communities through time. The study stimulated ideas about program modifications that would embrace unexplored or under-explored aspects of natural and man-made heritage. The result of the enquiry was a proposal for a new online or hybrid masters degree program that attempts to come to terms with the tensions between heritage preservation, environmental restoration and sustainable development.

Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development, Barcelos, Portugal
Conference Title:
Conference Title:
4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development
Conference Venue:
Guimarães (Pt)
Conference Dates:
2014-07-22 / 2014-07-25
Text je chráněný podle autorského zákona č. 121/2000 Sb.

Record appears in:

 Record created 2014-11-04, last modified 2014-11-18

Original version of the author's contribution as presented on CD, , page 659. :
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