The limited modification and revision of the official Urban Catalogue of Gijón

Abstract eng:
Our purpose in this paper is to discuss the issues that arise in attempts to reconcile heritage concerns with the urban needs of a city that grew and developed in an unplanned way. To this end, we aim to present and explain new modes of cataloguing before an expert audience. These proposed solutions were agreed by the working group set up by Gijón City Council to contribute to the Limited Modification and Revision of the Official Urban Catalogue of Gijón, so as to widen roads without impacting on the historical character of the city’s most emblematic buildings (which currently prevent such projects) and to standardize building heights where this fundamental principle of urban design has not been respected. In short, the ground of this proposal is experience; the general rules of urban development are to be applied on a case-bycase basis: cities, like people, are living entities, each is unique.

Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development, Barcelos, Portugal
Conference Title:
Conference Title:
4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development
Conference Venue:
Guimarães (Pt)
Conference Dates:
2014-07-22 / 2014-07-25
Text je chráněný podle autorského zákona č. 121/2000 Sb.

Record appears in:

 Record created 2014-11-04, last modified 2014-11-18

Original version of the author's contribution as presented on CD, , page 1347. :
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