Tepelnotechnické zhodnotenie obalových konštrukcií a analýza vybraných tepelných mostov v panelových bytových domoch

Abstract eng:
The article deals with the complete thermal analysis of panel residential buildings in original state and after adding the thermal insulation. In general it is possible to say that panel residential buildings show considerable defects. Many of the defects have their origin just in insufficient thermal protection. At present this buildings do not satisfy even minimal requirements from point of view of thermal insulation properties (STN 73 0540/2002) and also from hygienic criterion point of view. This imperfection tells on huge heat consumption for heating, functional (inconvenient moisture regime) and hygienic imperfections of envelopes. In the article also the method of elimination of defects caused just by insufficient thermal protection is described.

Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Civil Engineering, 2008
Conference Title:
Conference Title:
International Scientific Conference 70 Years of FCE STU
Conference Venue:
Bratislava (SK)
Conference Dates:
2008-12-04 / 2008-12-05
Text je chráněný podle autorského zákona č. 121/2000 Sb.

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 Record created 2014-11-05, last modified 2014-11-18

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