Možnosti aplikácie hydroinformatiky v manažmente vodárenských sústav

Abstract eng:
Occurrence of water in time and area is not equal, and demand is not equal as well. These aspects create problems with water supply - insufficient water supply of population with potable water. Areas with insufficient water resources, insufficient quality or quantity water are necessary support from oversupply areas. Water supply networks are building for solution of this problem. These networks distribute water even in small cities or in big areas, which connect together big water resources and more demands. Management of water supply networks answers questions necessary for well and effective operation of water supply system as good understanding of system, define weak and strong point, determine potential of system for the future, possibilities of expand and increase of efficiency. These and another problems must solve operator or manager of water supply network. Article refers to possibilities of solving these problem with modern hydroinformatics tools support.

Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Civil Engineering, 2008
Conference Title:
Conference Title:
International Scientific Conference 70 Years of FCE STU
Conference Venue:
Bratislava (SK)
Conference Dates:
2008-12-04 / 2008-12-05
Text je chráněný podle autorského zákona č. 121/2000 Sb.

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 Record created 2014-11-05, last modified 2014-11-18

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