Mapping of mortars and ashlars in watchtowers of Reconquest Ages in Cuenca district, Spain

Abstract eng:
In the inner tablelands of Spain, in Cuenca district, at only 150kms south east from Madrid we can discover a dense net of watchtowers, dated on the last years of the 12th century, scattered all over the territory. These enigmatic constructions, following the results of the presented, research have a Muslim origin and a Christian maintenance, due to their control of the territory and bonded with the regulation of the displacements of livestock during the seasons. Have they a military or a civil function? Both of the possibilities are documented…at the same time, a part from a morphological and typological developed study, the research has opened an interesting study about the features of the mortar and the ashlars used in the district during the Reconquest Ages. The direct analysis shows the use of specific masonries, both for religious, and for civil constructions, made by manageable ashlars, set in regular rows, with a deep filling of lime mortars. These mortars, rich in lime, as the chemical analysis show could guarantee the good performances of the walls during the ages, in spite of the use of sedimentary and low quality limestone ashlars. The result of the research is a useful “pattern book” of the masonries of the watchtowers and Reconquest buildings in the district, throughout the centuries and during their reparations.

RILEM Publications s.a.r.l., 157 rue des Blains F-92220 Bagneux - France
Conference Title:
Conference Title:
2nd Conference and of the Final Workshop of RILEM TC 203-RHM
Conference Venue:
Prague (CZ)
Conference Dates:
2010-09-22 / 2010-09-24
Text je chráněný podle autorského zákona č. 121/2000 Sb.

Record appears in:

 Record created 2014-11-06, last modified 2014-11-18

Original version of the author's contribution as presented on CD, , page 327. :
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