Theoretical Analysis and Numerical Modeling of Elastic Wave Propagation in Honeycomb-Type Thin Layer

Abstract eng:
The present work is devoted to a theoretical analysis and numerical modeling of the phenomena of high-frequency wave propagation in honeycomb-type periodic media. A onedimensional periodic elastic rod model and a two-dimensional periodic elastic beam hexagonal model are considered. The Bloch wave direct and inverse transformations are applied to find general or particular solutions. By identifying eigenfrequencies and the corresponding eigenmodes of the periodic systems, important information, such as the frequency bandgaps and the diffracted waves caused by the periodic cells, is obtained. The aims are to improve our understanding of how HF waves are transmitted and attenuated in the studied periodic media and to link the theoretical analyses to our numerical assessments.

National Technical University of Athens, 2011
Conference Title:
Conference Title:
COMPDYN 2011 - 3rd International Thematic Conference
Conference Venue:
Island of Corfu (GR)
Conference Dates:
2011-05-25 / 2011-05-28
Text je chráněný podle autorského zákona č. 121/2000 Sb.

Record appears in:

 Record created 2016-11-14, last modified 2016-11-14

Original version of the author's contribution as presented on CD, section: MS 03 Advances in Computational Structural Vibrations.:
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