Dynamic Interaction of Soil-Pile-Structure under Seismic Action

Abstract eng:
Due to randomness of seismic load, it is difficult to predict the complexity of the soil, pile, structures and their system. Presently, there isn’t a better way to explain and simulate the dynamic interaction of soil-pile-structure completely and precisely. Based on the stiffness expressions of interaction, the improved physical and mathematical models are setup to reflect the basic mass, stiffness and damping factors in the dynamic action analysis. In the meantime, the main problems of dynamic interaction are revealed. Through theoretical analysis, experiment and observation results, the dynamic interaction of soil-pile-structure is reappeared qualitatively and quantitatively. The physical action mechanism, variation, characteristic laws and the catastrophic results are explained, inferred, summarized and analyzed respectively. It is concluded that the numerical process reflecting actual interaction is expressed and verified by model experiment and observation results. The interaction parameters are deduced theoretically in the mathematical model. Through observation and experiment, the geometric non-linearity of slip and disjoint of soil-pile is checked and tested during seismic action.

Conference Title:
Conference Title:
14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Conference Venue:
Bejing (CN)
Conference Dates:
2008-10-12 / 2008-10-17
Text je chráněný podle autorského zákona č. 121/2000 Sb.

Record appears in:

 Record created 2014-12-05, last modified 2014-12-05

Original version of the author's contribution as presented on CD, Paper ID: 05-06-0005.:
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