Strength Reduction Factor (R Factor) Model and Inelastic Response Spectra for Forward-Directivity Ground Motion

Abstract eng:
The accuracy of six existing R-factor models for estimating inelastic response spectra is evaluated by using a suite of forward-directivity records and single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) oscillators. Structural loaddeformation mechanism is modelled using perfectly elastic-plastic, bilinear and stiffness degrading models. Two site conditions, rock site and soil site, are considered. A R-factor ratio (ratio of R factors from the existing R-factor Models to those from inelastic analyses) is used as a measure parameter. Results show that the Ordaz & Perez-Rocha model is suitable for use to estimate inelastic response spectra for FD ground motions. Based on the data set of FD records, a new R-factor model with considering the effect of site conditions is proposed. The accuracy of the new model has been checked, showing lower estimate error than the existing models.

Conference Title:
Conference Title:
14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Conference Venue:
Bejing (CN)
Conference Dates:
2008-10-12 / 2008-10-17
Text je chráněný podle autorského zákona č. 121/2000 Sb.

Record appears in:

 Record created 2014-12-05, last modified 2014-12-05

Original version of the author's contribution as presented on CD, Paper ID: 05-01-0068.:
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