Gibbs-Appel Formulation of Non-Holonomic Motion of a Ball on a Spherical Surface
Abstract eng: A new type of a passive vibration absorber is proposed and investigated as a non-linear non-holonomic system. It consists of Wherical horizontal cavity in which a ball of a smaller diameter is rolling. The system of six degrees of freedom with three non- holonomic constraints is investigated. Instead of conventional way via Hamiltonian functional and Lagrangian procedure, the respective differential system is derived using the Gibbs-Appel function and related steps. Comparison of both approaches has been done. The system has an auto-parametric character and hence the semi-trivial solution and dynamic stability is investigated. Some principal post-critical regimes are outlined and qualitatively evaluated in the resonance neighborhood. Numerical experiments are performed and physically interpreted.
International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2016
Conference Title:
Conference Title:
24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Conference Venue:
Montreal (CA)
Conference Dates:
2016-08-21 / 2016-08-26
Text je chráněný podle autorského zákona č. 121/2000 Sb.
Record appears in:
Record created 2016-11-15, last modified 2016-11-15