Príprava prevádzky vodných elektrární v elektrizačnej sústave Slovenskej republiky - optimalizačný model

Abstract eng:
One of the important elements in the hydropower plant’s pre-operating process is the computation and operation at modelling using the optimizing model. The optimizing model represents a programmatic model into the complex IT environment supporting the preoperating process of the hydropower plants in Slovakia’s Electrical Supply. The optimizing model’s main task is cost - effective use of the hydropower plant’s hydropotential in covering the Daily Load Chart requirements with respect to the pre-operation of other energetic sources (thermo - hydro coordination) while facilitating all the marginal water management and energy conditions.

Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Civil Engineering, 2008
Conference Title:
Conference Title:
International Scientific Conference 70 Years of FCE STU
Conference Venue:
Bratislava (SK)
Conference Dates:
2008-12-04 / 2008-12-05
Text je chráněný podle autorského zákona č. 121/2000 Sb.

Record appears in:

 Record created 2014-11-05, last modified 2014-11-18

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