On application of generalized functions to calculations of thin-walled beams under plane bending considering constrained warping

Abstract eng:
When a thin-walled beam is bent secondary membrane stresses may arise owing to the restraint of warping. These secondary stresses may have the same order as primary stresses which may be calculated according to the classical Bernoulli-Navier hypothesis. In order to simplify the practical computations of these secondary stresses we modify the mathematical model (Hýča, 1990) to be valid also at such points where discontinuities of unknown quantities occur. To solve this task we use generalized functions. The discontinuities may be expressed using the Heaviside unit step function or Dirac distribution. The general solution to the mathematical model with generalized functions of the thin-walled beam with constrained warping is computed by means of the Laplace transform method.

Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics AS CR, v.v.i., Prague
Conference Title:
Conference Title:
Engineering Mechanics 2009
Conference Venue:
Svratka (CZ)
Conference Dates:
2009-05-11 / 2009-05-14
Text je chráněný podle autorského zákona č. 121/2000 Sb.

Record appears in:

 Record created 2014-11-14, last modified 2014-11-18

Original version of the author's contribution as presented on CD, 105. :
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